Read Me

To debug BeyondTrust’s Remote Support and Privileged Remote Access solutions, you need to drop in a blog.ini file, enabling you to debug and generate logging for the component of your liking.


Please observe the following to prevent tantrums:

  1. Administrative privileges are required!
  2. Ensure the computer you are troubleshooting has a relative component installed, such as Access Console or Jump Client.

Enable Logs and Debugs

This section covers debugging the Console application and all other BeyondTrust components in Windows, Linux and macOS.

Console Logging

This method debugs the PRA Access Console and RS Representative Console. As described in the later sections, to debug other BeyondTrust components, e.g., Jump Clients, you must use the blog.ini method.

  1. Open Access Console or Representative Console.
  2. At console login prompt, press and hold the SHIFT key and click About.
  3. A secret Diagnostics section is revealed (just like the secret areas in Return to Castle Wolfenstein).
  4. Check the Enable Logging checkbox and click Open Folder to open the generated log.
  5. You should see a log file following the same or similar naming convention access.<company_name> - bomgar-rep.log
  6. To turn off logging, revert the process.

Debugging all Components on Windows

This method debugs all possible components such as the Console, Jump Client, Jump Point and more.

  1. Open NotePad with Administrator privileges.

  2. Copy this code block:

    ; The blog.ini file is for debugging and logging BeyondTrust components in Windows.
    ; Requires administrative privileges.
    ; Copy and save this file as "blog.ini" to "C:\".
    ; Alternatively, you may use :
    ; The same directory as the executable.
    ; A user's home directory, e.g. "C:\Users\username".
    ; A user's desktop folder, e.g. "C:\Users\username\Desktop"
    output = C:\Windows\Temp\debug_beyondtrust_$COMPANY-$APP_NAME.log
  3. Paste the contents to Notepad and save the file as blog.ini to the root of C:\ drive.

  4. Recreate your issue by opening the Access Console or Representative Console and performing a Jump. For logging to take effect, you may need to restart necessary services, e.g. Jump Client service.

  5. To stop logging, edit blog.ini and set the enabled parameter to 0 or simply delete the file.


If you do not see any log file in the form <company_name>-<app_name>.log:

  • Verify the file name and extension is blog.ini, and not something such as blog.ini.txt.
  • Verify that logging is enabled in the blog.ini configuration file, i.e. enabled=1.

Debugging all Components on Linux and macOS

  1. Copy the code block below to debug on Linux and macOS:

    ; File for debugging and logging BeyondTrust components in Linux and macOS.
    ; Requires administrative privileges!
    ; Copy and save as blog.ini to the root of /etc/ directory.
    output = /tmp/debug_beyondtrust_$COMPANY-$APP_NAME.log
  2. Create the blog.ini file at the root of the /etc/ directory and paste in the code.

  3. Recreate your issue by opening Access Console or Representative Console and performing a jump.

  4. To stop logging, edit blog.ini and set the enabled parameter to 0 or delete the blog.ini file.


If you do not see any log file in the form <company_name>-<app_name>.log:

  • Verify the file name and extension is blog.ini, and not something such as blog.ini.txt.
  • Verify that logging is enabled in the blog.ini configuration file, i.e. enabled=1.


  1. My interactions with BeyondTrust Support!